Saturday, September 26, 2009

Every year around this time, as Emmy season comes and goes, I'm asked the same question: would I do a hat-driven award for headwear on TV? Well, the answer has been, and will continue to be, "No". And also, "why are you looking at me that way?".

However, this year I thought I'd throw a proverbial bone to you, the reader, and share what I consider to be the most hat-centric hour of tv I've ever witnessed. It's a standard Batman two-part episode arc, as the caped crusader fights a lesser known, hat-themed villain. To pique your interest, here's a picture of Batman using his Anti-mesmerizing Bat-reflector to deflect a beam from the Super Instant Mesmerizer, with disastrous consequences for Robin.

For now, full episodes are available on YouTube:

The Thirteenth Hat (Part 1 2 3)
Batman Stands Pat (Part 1 2 3)

If you know of anything more hat-centric, you know where to find me.